
Dearest Children of Gaia,

Welcome, this site is intended all those who Honor the Sacredness of our Mother Earth & her Children. For those wanting to Connect to Nature Spirits, your higher God/Goddess-Self, to The Divine Goddesses & To GAIA herself. & For the Stewarts of the Earth hearing Mothers Call to Heal, Repair and Bring in the Golden Age of LeMUria.

Mother Earth, Gaia


this site is intended all those who Honor the Sacredness of our Mother Earth & her Children.  

For those wanting to Connect to Nature Spirits,

your higher God/Goddess-Self, to The Divine Goddesses & To GAIA herself. 

& For the Stewarts of the Earth hearing Mothers Call to Heal, Repair and Bring in the Golden Age of Lemuria. 

Connecting with Goddess Hi'iaka

Connecting with Goddess Hi’iaka

 What is a Goddess Walk?

IS A SPIRT QUEST of Magic and Truth

  • A Goddess Walk is About BECOMING ONE with Your Higher god/goddess Self 


  • Raising your VIBRATION and Opening Up THE DOORWAY to your PSYCHIC ABILITIES, MAGIC, and the DIVINE 

  • OPENS you UP to Your God/Goddess given POWERS to Commune and Work with the Elements


  If you would like to learn more about Connecting to your True Gifts and Become One With Nature please check out:   What is a goddess walk   for more Info ❤

❤ For Poems and Meditation Inspiration please check out:  Meditations with Mom ❤

❤ If you would Like to read through my mystical experiences with the Nature Spirits, Gods and Goddess and How I was lead to working with the sacred sites on Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii Please check out: My Walk With Mother Maui Part 1

My Walk With Mother Maui  

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 Currently I am on a Barefoot Walk with the Mother Earth Goddesses on Maui and The Big Island of Hawaii.  I serve as a Channel for the Goddess and Great Spirit to work through me.   The send me to areas that are in need of Healing from blood shed, bombings, and traumas.  My personal Vision Quest or “goddess walk” awakened my Ancient Knowledge and Soul Purpose of working with Sacred Energy Centers and Sacred Sites.  I open up, clear, realign and activate mother earth’s electromagnetic crystalline grids (Ley Lines), Vortexes, Stargates and Womb Chakras.   Being Guided every step by the Nature Goddesses, Mother Gaia and The Great Spirit I am led to areas to Walk and Serve as A Channel brining in Divine Light Codes

Mandalas/Sacred Geometry/Vortex Centers

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My Walk in Nature with Mother Maui led me to LOVING GAIA even more and to start creating offerings for her.  I was guided to leave and offering everywhere I went, while she was downloading me with the sacred ancient understanding of Sacred Geometry and the Universe.  The offerings became medicine wheels and grew into Mandalas and Altars.   I was Activated by the White Rainbow of the Great Spirit during the Ancient Native American Eagle Dance, I was given many Visions of Earth Mandalas that I would be creating for Healing the Ley Lines, Reactivating Sacred Sites, and Creating new Energy Centers, and for Blessings and Initiations with the Great Spirit and Mother Earth.  For more info on Activating Sacred Sites and the Initiation and Activation during the Eagle Dance

See a walk with Mother 10.

Notes from Mother

Meditations and Poems

A collective of writings inspired by the Goddess within and Gaia

A note to Lightworkers: Are you truly open to receive all the abundance coming to you?

Eating as a Ritual not a Race  part 1

Foods for Enlightenment part 2

Mother Is Calling: Come Dance with Me

The Children of the Rainbow are Home

Rituals to Heal our Body and Bodies of Water

So we are Creator Gods, Now What? Part 1

Creator Gods Part 2/Activating Cities of Light

Published work

Careful what you wish for

Healthy ways to vent and protect yourself from toxic energy

Creating Sacred Space

Eating as a Ritual not a Race  part 1

My Offerings

Black Sand Beach, Big Island of Hawaii

Black Sand Beach, Big Island of Hawaii

If you are planning a visit to The Hawaiian Islands, or live here I offer <3:

  1. Home & Land Blessing– I walk and connect with every tree and the land beneath, clear away negative old stuck energies, war or death energies, and bring in new source/father sky/galactic center energies and regenerate the mother earth energies beneath.  I can do the same for your home.  I can also add in Tips for Adding in Sacred Space and brining the elements into your home for continued blessings and connection with the divine. 
  2. Earth Mandala Home & Land Blessings– I can build a Temporary Or Living Permanent Mandala Blessing and create a vortex of Mother Earth/Father Sky Energies combined with the 4 directions as well as do a house and land cleansing and blessing.
  3. Earth Mandalas Ceremony– where I teach and conduct the ceremony for collecting and communing with Nature, connecting nature supplies, your higher self, the stewards of the land and building a Sacred Geometry Temporary Art Mandala.
  4. Earth Mandala Priestess Initiation Ceremony– (see photos below) Same as building an earth mandala with more connection into our Goddess self and Roots. Ceremony most likely will include making a head lei, movement mediation exercises, burning ceremony with a letting of ritual of the Old Self, and and Intention Ceremony as we build the Mandala, closing with a Mandala Activation.
    • Mandala Activation Ceremony– Standing inside the Mandala we are both given a blessing from The Mother Earth and Galatic Center through myself, the earth and the elements.  This is a VERY POWERFUL ACTIVATION
  5. Building a Living Earth Mandala– The concept is the same except the focus is for the Mandala to be rooted with plants, flowers, shrubs, herbs to make it a more permeant offering to the Mother earth and the Elements.  You also have a permeant vortex of healing energy on your property!!  The 3 types to choose from are:
    • Living Mother Earth Altar Mandala – raised up a place of worship, prayer, meditation, light a candle, add sacred treasures, commune with the Goddess
    • Zen Garden Living Mandala – can be much larger and a place of meditation
    • Edible Garden Mandala –   Can you imagine Food Growing in a Vortex of Mother Earth love, Powered by the Elements and Kissed by the Sky?  Everything in our universe down to our bodies are in a form of a Circle.  That is the natural flow of energy.  Growing your food within a circle will keep the flow circulating;)
  6. Mother Earth Priestess Ordination & Wedding Blessings– Within a a Sacred Mandala Vows are taken for the Initiate to the Mother Earth to Serve herself, Mother Earth, all her creatures and Humanity.  A return to the sacred.  A Sacred Mandala Vortex on Blessed Land is a Magical Way to Bring in the Sacred and Divine into your Wedding.  Blessing by myself are offered as well before the ceremony and before stepping into sacred land.

Why Mandalas and Sacred Geometry are important

My Discovery and Path the the Ancient Technique and Healing Power of Mandalas

Building an Earth Mandala Land Blessing

Choosing and Preparing to build a Living Earth Mandala

Winter Solstice Earth Mandala Priestess Initiation and Activation

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 Land Blessing Makena Beach, Maui >3

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Ancient MU Rock Blessing and Mandala Land Blessing on Sacred Land, Maui

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Dear Goddess,

Thank you for Visiting.  

I wanted to share that I truly believe that when we walk in the footsteps of our Authentic Self all of Humanity benefits.

In order to Find my Authentic Self I had to Step Outside.  Outside from the noise, outside from the boxes, outside from society and Walk With Mother.

It is then when I Stepped into my Authentic True Self and Remembered my Ancients Roots and Knowledge for WHY I AM HERE at this VERY IMPORTANT TIME IN HUMANITIES AWAKENING.

I believe that you can Connect with Spirit & to the Goddess by Raising your Consciousness.

I believe that when you are in Nature your Consciousness is Elevated. 

I believe that The Gods & Goddesses are Very Real and do Healing Work Through Us

I believe that when you Walk with your Heart Open driven Purely by Love and Passion You are Walking with the Goddess!


Oluwalu Sacred Site, Maui

Oluwalu Sacred Site Land Blessing, Maui

Walking with the Goddess:

  • Connect to your Higher Self,  Your Angels, and Source/Oneness/God
  • Create Sacred Space for Manifesting, Healing, Prayers and In your Daily life and Routines
  • Raise your Vibration and light, Protect from others energies, & replenish your light
  • Spread Divine Feminine Healing for Herself, Others and our Mother Earth
  • Daily Self Care to Awaken your entire Being, connect you with your Power and Grace
  • Live each moment receiving Life’s Gifts, Leading with an Open Heart and Seeing Magic all around you

By Stepping into our higher selves and separating from our egoic voice we connect to our Sacred Heart.  Here we  can Feel and Know our True Life’s Purpose.  When you are connected your higher Godd-ess-Self,  your channels of Clairvoyance are open to your true authentic self, universal oneness, & to divine knowledge.

Living an authentic life means living with passion, & dancing in color in your true essence! Becoming in touch with your inner voice,  your desires, your dreams, your destiny!! Connecting with angels,  guides, nature, and cosmic source vibration that Sings the Truth. Finding your tribal roots, and engaging in rituals. Learn to perform rituals of healing, protection, connection, cleansing, creating sacred space, and sending blessings of love. Speak your truth with grace. Bringing passion, and play into every part of your life. Healing your food, making offerings, healing yourself, others, pets, and our earth. Dearest Goddess, All you need to do is look WITHIN, not outside yourself.

You are the One you have been searching for. You are a Powerful, All Knowing Beautiful Healer, Shaman, Warrior of the Light, Priestess & Beholder of the Divine Feminine and I hope you are enjoying your walk with the Goddess.


Labyrinth Blessing, Kapalua Maui

A goddess is connected to her higher Self, Nature, Earth, and the Divine. She speaks her truth with grace, through her Heart.  Selflove, Selfless, and sees the divine in all. She chants to the stars, planets, and dances in the moonlight. She sings to birds, spends time alone, and alone in nature daily Barefoot connecting with the earth Does Ritual food healing, earth healings, and offerings. Connects with Angels, her guides and the divine. Talks with her hands, eats with her hands, tastes and saviors her food in a meditative trance dance uniting the healing forces or food and body………. Goddesses are not afraid of the sexuality, and thrive in sexual healing.   

With Warm Aloha,


and with all my Love,


19 responses

  1. Hi Girlie, Like what I read. Don’t know yet If I can do all of that but you know i am trying in my way. baby steps. love you and wish you all the best of love and success. Annelie

  2. Love LOVE what you have shared here! I am always and continuously finding the Divine Goddess in EVERYTHING that I see, mostly outside in Nature at this time in my life…working a little harder at seeing it through the eyes of others — for sometimes I forget to peer beyond the walls that others put up and see them for who they really are and not as they appear as being.

    Blessings )O(
    ~Indigenous Shamanic Winds, aka., Shami xo

  3. Aloha Annalisa,
    You sound like a fascinating woman, but did you send me your office skills for the job?
    Alan Ross

  4. loveloveylovely
    yes YES wisdom is dying for us to listen- to hear her call
    All that we know to be true must come from within – everything we have ‘learned’ comes from without- we can believe that – but beleif can be doubted
    only what we know from within can we claim to really KNOW

  5. AnnaLisa,

    Thank you for having the courage to step away from your ego self into your Goddess Powers!! You are my Inspiration, please help me.

    With Love,

  6. Aloha Annalisa,

    I’m not a goddess but I have come across your info three times researching sustainability & spirituality. I also came across your profile on New Age connections. I live near Keauhou in the Kona Coffee Villas. Your life seems to be reflecting mine in many ways. I used to run a non profit for sustainability years ago. Now just following the path of the higher self for the planet & humanity. Love to talk sometime about the multi dimensional aspects of living as love & consciousness with you. You are amazingly connected fello starbeing.

    David Stillwaters on Face book


    David Williams

  7. When the student is ready the teacher appears. You are just what my heart needs to heal. I resinate with the Goddess so strongly and have read everything from stories of Mary Magdaline to Mists of Avalon. Can never get enough. I am longing for ritual, daily ritual and connection to the Goddess. Please guide me on this healing journey. All my love, Jolene

  8. Aloha Jolene, Thank you for sharing. I understand the longing! I have recently set out to walk with the Mother Goddesses herself. It is part of our Being and Following our Heart to be with her. Do it with joy and bliss and know she is apart of you always, no need to look, but within. Much Love, Annalisa

  9. Love your site. Lived on Maui in the 80s. Got there almost by accident (seemingly). Was healed of very deep trauma while living in Hana, Waianapanapa to be exact. Lived all over island in van having so many unusual experiences. Voraciously studied flora of islands. Lived very simply. Felt Loved and rejuvenated. Healthy n whole again. Thank You so much for reminding me of that magical time.. i miss it so much. Feel ready to move back there “Home.”

  10. I found out about you since you are also friends with Jennifer Dodd on FB, who is an old friend of mine and I have been following her amazing transformation for some time now. Finally today finished reading through your site…..wow! You are another inspiring vision of what human life can be about….thanks! I am fascinated by the idea and the reality of nature spirits of all sorts and I’d love to hear more about your journey with them…..how did you first find out they were real, etc. Has any particular book or other resource been of special value?
    Alder Burns

  11. Aloha Bob, thanks for reading and your support. I guess for me I didn’t know they were really truly real until I stepped outside and opened the door to communication. No books, just a feeling in your heart. A yearning, desire to be one with nature. Believing really is everything, this allows the door to open…. The channel, a portal for them to communicate with you. Or shall i say for you to “here” them. 1st I communed with Trees, then the Wind, ocean, and Earth herself. Im sure you have many stories too now. I am in Kona lets all meet up and share 💜
    Much Love

  12. Oh I believe in them, but in terms of definitively experiencing them is another matter. I do call plants my friends, and have good nature observation skills, but that could be understood as science just as well. BTW I’m in Calif., so unlikely to ever meet you, except on-line :)!

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